Retail and Wholesale Trade

Due to structural changes, globalisation and digitalisation (e-commerce, m-commerce), trade is subject to constant change. The Austrian Institute for SME Research takes these developments into account by continuously monitoring the business cycle, the structure and economic situation in the retail sector. Many of these analyses are based on the business cycle survey of Austrian retailers carried out by the Institute since 2000.

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Selected Projects

On behalf of

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber




Karin Gavac, Wolfgang Ziniel

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On behalf of

Austrian Retail Association / Handelsverband Österreich




Wolfgang Ziniel

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Your Contact Persons

Karin Gavac

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 28

Wolfgang Ziniel

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 29
Asset 26

Business Analysis: The Retail Sector in Austria 2023

The Austrian retail sector faces numerous challenges: Inflation, rising costs (rents, energy, raw materials), supply chain disruptions, natural disasters, technological change and online competition. Customers expect personalised shopping experiences, fast deliveries and easy returns. Sustainability demands require adjustments, and skills shortages make…
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Structural analysis in stationary retail 2023

The structural analysis conducted annually on behalf of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber - Trade Division shows for the analysis year 2022 that the downward trend in business figures in the retail sector will continue in 2021 with a brief interruption in…
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Online Study 2023 – Online Retailing in Austria

The study and the results of previous surveys show that it is no longer possible to imagine the retail trade without online trade. Fewer and fewer SMEs in the Austrian retail sector are able to escape the shift of retail to the…
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eCommerce Study 2023

The 14th edition of the nationwide "eCommerce Study Austria" shows unexpected inflation-related changes and a diametrical development in distance commerce: significant increases in the number of buyers meet with significantly declining per capita spending of -9%. For the first time this year,…
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Retail Trade Yearbook 2023

The Retail Trade Yearbook provides the most comprehensive data analysis of Austrian retail trade and shows current figures on the industry structure, turnover and personnel development as well as the profitability of the companies. More Info
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Structural analysis in stationary retail 2022

The structural change in the stationary retail trade is visibly intensifying - most recently especially due to the consequences of the Corona pandemic and the consequences of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. The number of retail shops is continuously decreasing…
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E-Commerce Study Austria 2022

The 13th edition of the “E-Commerce-Report Austria 2022” analyses the shopping behaviour of the Austrian population regarding classic mail-order business as well as internet retail-trade. The main indicators are the number of Austrians, who buy via distance selling, expenditures and the development…
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Business cycle development in retail trade 2018

Austrian Institute for SME Research results of the business cycle survey on retail trade 2018 (available only in German)
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Internet-Einzelhandel 2018 (Online Retailing 2018)

The dynamic development in online retailing has continued in recent years. More and more consumers shop via the Internet and the number of online shops from Austrian retailers increases constantly. The Austrian Institute for SME Research carried out the study “Online Retailing 2018” on behalf…
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Austrian Entrepreneurial Index – Retail trade 2017

The Austrian Entrepreneurial Index (AEI) combines different aspects of self-employment and measures the satisfaction of entrepreneurs in an overall index consisting of 6 sub-indices with 35 sub-areas. First surveyed in a large-scale company survey in 2015, the satisfaction of around 480 retailers…
Asset 26

Einzelhandel – Quo vadis? (Retail trade – quo vadis?)

Asset 26

eCommerce Study Austria 2024

The 15th edition of the nationwide eCommerce Study Austria 2024 provides insights into consumer behavior in distance selling. It focuses on questions about online retail spending, ordering channels, product groups, payment methods and returns. The current edition also includes a ten-year comparison.…
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E-Commerce-Study Austria 2021

The 12th edition of the “E-Commerce-Study Austria 2021” analyses the shopping behaviour of the Austrian population regarding classic mail-order business as well as internet retail-trade. The main indicators are the number of Austrians, who buy via distance selling, expenditures and the development…
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Structural Analysis 2021 – Focus on the Stationary Retail Trade

Structural change in the stationary retail sector has left clear traces in recent years: The number of retail stores has declined, and concentration trends have increased. The sector mix has changed: Certain sectors are losing significant commercial space (e.g. clothing retail), while…
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E-Commerce study Austria (E-Commerce Studie Österreich)

The 11th edition of the “E-Commerce-Report Austria 2020” analyses the shopping behaviour of the Austrian population regarding classic mail-order business as well as internet retail-trade. The main indicators are the number of Austrians, who buy via distance selling, expenditures and the development…
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Konjunkturentwicklung im Einzelhandel 2019 (Business cycle development in retail trade 2019)

Austrian Institute for SME Research results of the business cycle survey on retail trade 2018 (available only in German)
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Profits and Financial Situation in Retail Trade

The analysis of the economic situation in the Austrian retail sector carried out on behalf of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber - Retail Commerce shows a deterioration in earnings and an improvement in the financial situation for the current financial year 2017/18.
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Strukturanalyse im stationären Einzelhandel 2019 (Structural Analysis of Retail 2019)

The structural analysis of stationary retail trade in Austria carried out annually on behalf of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber - Division Commerce shows a provisional halt to structural change for the analysis year 2018. Both the number of shops and the…
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E-Commerce-Studie Österreich 2019 (E-Commerce-Survey Austria 2019)

The 10th study on consumer behaviour in distance selling commissioned by the Austrian Handelsverband confirms the trends of recent years. Both the number of buyers and the expenditure in distance selling continue to rise in the current analysis period 2019 (May 2018…
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Handelsrechner (trade calculator)

The trade calculator has been developed as a free online tool for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in trade, that allows companies to anonymously analyze their own annual financial statements simply and clearly and compare it with industry averages for SMEs. The evaluations…
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